Science Show

The theme of the ICOM Kyoto 2019 General Conference is Museums as Cultural Hubs: The Future of Tradition. In response, the five science museums will present various topics for the issue of Environmental Sustainability.

  1. National Museum of Natural Science
    Topic: Masters of Origami in the Insect World
  2. National Museum of Marine Science and Technology
    Topic: Marine Renewable Energy-The Wave Energy Convertor(Generator)
  3. National Science and Technology Museum
    Topic: Discovering the Ancient Technology, Light Reflection, and Mechanics
  4. National Taiwan Science Education Center
    Topic1: Tinkering Journey Sketchbook - An App to Support Tinkering Activities
    Topic2: Tinkering Activity - Wind Tube
  5. National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium
    Topic: Where do Whale and Turtle Go?
[Event Schedule]

9.3-9.4 15:00-15:30 / 17:00-17:30